Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sleeping is Better for Health

Too little sleep affects our work, our activities, even our sex lives. These tips can help you sleep like a baby at night. Check back for more tips next month!

It's Sleep Week!

Don't build up a sleep debt. Ongoing sleep deprivation can impair you as much as a six-pack of beer.

Power Your Day

Take a nap. A 40-minute snooze in the middle of a work day can pump up your energy.

Pregnant Pause

Sleep safe during pregnancy. Lying on your left side gives you and your baby the best blood flow.

The Better Sleep Diet

Don't gorge before bed. Good shut-eye foods: milk, tuna, eggs, and peaches.

Sleep Rituals

Cue your body that it's time for sleep with a relaxing ritual. Try a hot bath, aromatherapy, or meditation.

Room for Sleep

Make your bedroom a sleep haven. Keep temperatures moderate, use blinds or shades for blocking light, and remove the laptop or TV.

Tired People Eat More

Cut 6% of your daily calorie intake by sleeping eight hours a night instead of seven.

Smoke Out

Restrict smoking before bedtime. Cigarettes wake you up just like caffeine. Better yet, quit.

Heartburn Help

A wedge pillow can keep your head elevated and bring sweet relief from nighttime heartburn.

Take a Bed Break

Get out of bed if you can't sleep -don't stare at the clock. Read or watch TV until you feel tired.

Nightcap No-No

A bottle of wine may conk you out, but your sleep won't be restful. Finish imbibing three hours before bed for a satisfying snooze.

Guard Your Heart

Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Catching only 6 hours of sleep ups your risk of high blood pressure by 70%.

Plan Early

And sleep better at night. Make your next day's to-do list in the afternoon so worries don't creep into bed.

Talk Yourself to Sleep

Try talk therapy to fight insomnia. It gets better results than sleeping pills.

Boost Your Sex Drive

Take a nap. Tired people have lower libido. Want more sex? Get more sleep.

Dream Diet

Sleep controls appetite hormones. Get to bed and start your diet.

Do Not Disturb

Put traveler's insomnia to rest. Pack a tiny battery-operated fan -- to create white noise.


Safe Sports, Safe Kids

More kids than ever are getting sports injuries at younger ages. Quiz your child's coach on avoiding and treating injuries.

Feeding Frenzy

Don't make dinner a battle. Let your children decide when they're full, and don't comment on the bites they take.

Have a Family Affair

Exercise together for your kids' health. Plan a hiking trip, bike to school, or play hopscotch together.

It's Diabetes Alert Day

Protect your kids. Serve 1½ cups of fruit and 2 cups of vegetables a day. And get them outdoors for plenty of play.

Nite-Nite, Baby

Leave the children's room when they're drowsy but not asleep. If you stay until they're asleep they may be startled if they wake up to find you gone.

A Mother's Massage

Massage helps calm wired kids. Give your kids a 10-minute massage before bed to help them sleep.

Bedtime Cures

Read a bedtime story aloud. When a child has a cold, TLC (tender loving care) is often the best remedy.

Believe It

Kids get headaches, even migraines. Take them seriously. Talk to your doctor.

Show Your Love

At least twice a day, give your child hugs, praise, even a wink or a smile. That's how parents boost kids' self-esteem.

Risky Business

Teens often get injured on the job. How safe is your teen's work environment?

Baby, Why Cry?

Babies cry for every reason -- diaper, bottle, ear infection, cuddling. Tune into your baby's cry.

Growing Pains

Active kids often have painful legs at night. That's from growing pains.

Breakfast for Mom

Make it fun and keep it simple. Add a flower or two. Mom deserves to be pampered!

Brat Pact

Tantrums? Turn things around: send clear messages, set ultimatums, and stick to your guns.

Tooth Truth

Knocked-out teeth. Chipped teeth. If you've got kids, put your dentist on speed dial.

Face Time

Kids need a heads-up on etiquette. Teach them about good eye contact. It builds trust.

Home Alone

Prepare for emergencies before they happen. Teach your child to use 9-1-1.

Want a Smart Baby?

Forget videos. Talking, playing, paying attention to baby -- that's what optimizes brain wiring.

Sick Kids

Diarrhea and vomiting are the route to dehydration. Kids need liquids (no milk) every few minutes.


Flu or Cold?

Knocked out by fever and fatigue suddenly? It's probably the flu. Get anti-flu drugs within 48 hours for maximum effectiveness.

Cold Care

Grandma's chicken soup will help keep you hydrated through a cold. The steam can also relieve a clogged nose.

Health at the Mall

Don't touch the escalator handrail at malls and stores. It's a germ factory.

Spring Sneezes

Use paper tissues instead of handkerchiefs. This helps keep your cold from spreading.

Pamper Your Nose

A dab of mentholated salve under your nose helps open breathing passages.

Don't Fight a Fever

Fever helps germ-killing proteins circulate in your blood faster. Let a slight fever of 102 F. or less run its course. You may get well faster.

Color Your Plate

Colorful vegetables are rich in antioxidants that strengthen natural immunity.

Coughing Hurts

A lozenge helps. Keep sugar-free cough drops or hard candy nearby to calm a tickle in your throat.

Sip a Cuppa

Hot tea soothes inflamed membranes that line nose and throat. Make sure it's herbal tea. Caffeine may dehydrate you.

Born to Run?

During allergy season, try to avoid irritants. If the pollen count is high, head for the gym instead.

Your Pillow

A cure for the common cold? "Get plenty of rest" tops the list of treatment tips for cold and flu.

Sore Throat?

Gargling helps. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt into 8 fluid ounces of warm water. Gargle hourly to relieve discomfort.

Starve a Cold?

That's a myth. Good nutrition helps your body heal. Start with citrus. Vitamin C still rules.

Clean Sweep

Cold and flu viruses cling to every surface -- for hours. Pump up protection with hand sanitizers.

Pack Some Heat

Relieve inflamed, painful sinuses with a moist, hot towel or gel pack.

Moist Air Medicine

Keep a humidifier running if you're prone to sinusitis. Dry air irritates sinuses.

Beware of Antibiotics

You can recover from some sinus infections without antibiotics. Warm compresses and decongestants can lead to relief.

No Fooling

Eucalyptus oil soothes sinuses. Add 4-5 drops of oil to a sink filled with steaming water. Put a towel over your head. Breathe deeply.

Home Health

Use a humidifier at home to avoid dry sinuses. Cold air -- and your home heating system -- dries out the air.

Taste a Spicy Curry

Pungent spices act as a natural decongestant. You breathe better after eating spicy, peppery food.

The Chicken Soup Cure

Research proves it. Hot chicken soup helps thin mucus in the mouth, throat, and lungs.

Breathe the Salty Spray

Ocean air clears sinuses. So does saline spray. Salt water nasal rinses may help reduce the risk of sinus infections.

Pollution Is Trouble

Pollution particles irritate sinus linings. Don't exercise outside during peak pollution hours.

Your Shower Spa

Ahhh, a steamy shower helps open clogged sinuses.

Flowers Need Watering

So do your sinuses. Drink up to keep your sinus membranes hydrated.

Plagued by Pollen?

A simple skin test will help you uncover your allergy triggers. Avoiding your triggers may prevent sinusitis.

Dust Mite Makeover

Want to cut allergens in your home? Rip out wall-to-wall carpets. Tear out drapes. That's a start!

Congested Airways

Got a cold or sinus infection? Air travel will be agonizing. A decongestant helps.

Tails of Fluffy and Fido

Humans and critters can live in harmony despite allergies. Learn to love housework.

Men and Migraines

Men, don't John Wayne your migraine. Seek treatment, relieve pain, and feel better.

Think Pain-Free

Try relaxation techniques or hypnosis for back pain. Relaxation often beats traditional medicine.

Avoid Hangover Headaches

Have a glass of water between each drink on St. Patrick's Day. Even a few drinks can trigger headaches.

Take a Pain Break

Schedule time for rest, exercise, and relaxation to help relieve persistent pain.

Drive Away Pain

Reduce back pain. Adjust your car seat so you don't have to reach for the steering wheel.

Record the Pain

Keep a record of your symptoms for a few weeks. It will help you understand your pain - and help your doctor treat it.

Got a Toothache?

Don't suffer the pain. A root canal can help save that tooth. April 3 launches Root Canal Awareness Week.

Chill the Pain

Grab a cold pack -- or a bag of frozen peas. Apply around your sore muscle or inflamed area for pain relief.

No Pain, No Gain?

No way. Let your body rest. Your body repairs muscle when you rest between workouts.

Kiss the IRS Off

Stressed by taxes? Smooch a little with the one you love. Kissing helps release endorphins -- the chemicals that counteract stress and pain.

Sensible Scents

Perfume stinks if it causes headaches. Strong odors can trigger the nerve system linked with headache pain.

Try Tai Chi

This gentle exercise improves balance and increases flexibility. Health organizations, including the Arthritis Foundation, advise tai chi for pain relief.

Mind Over Pain

Write it down. Talk it out. Laugh if off. Expressing your feelings relieves tension and helps ease pain.

Think About Pain

It's not "all in your head." But stress makes pain worse. Repeat a favorite word, sound, or prayer to bring on your body's 'relaxation response.'

Double Dipping

Take a dip. Take two. Water exercise helps ease joint pain and muscle stiffness.

Ticked Off

Nature's great, but beware Lyme-disease-carrying deer ticks. Wear sleeves, pants, and repellant.

May 5 Is Cinco de Mayo!

If you partied too hard at the fiesta, try a fruit smoothie the next morning. Food provides electrolytes that replenish a hung-over body.

Relax. Release.

Massage, meditation. As the body relaxes, muscle tightness and pain seep away.

Music as Medicine

If pain drags you down, turn to music. Music lifts and distracts. Maybe it's time for an iPod.

Dance Dance Dance

Take the work out of working out. Try dancing lessons. Make friends and relieve joint pain, too.

Retail Therapy

Old exercise shoes hurt feet and knees. New shoes are priceless protection. Need new shoes?

Core Your Apple

Got an apple shape? Peel it with Pilates. Pilates strengthens core muscles -- and also relieves pain.

Headache Du Jour

It's a made-to-order migraine: turkey and cheddar sandwich, diet soda, and dark chocolate. Certain foods contain chemicals that can trigger migraines.

Pins and Needles

Don't wince. Acupuncture helps arthritis pain, even joint movement -- and is NIH-approved.

Stroke Signals

After a stroke, pain and depression may follow. Look for signs. Reach out to help.

Bad Back

Back pain is bad enough. Anger, stress, and depression make it worse. Counseling helps a bad back.

Got Pain?

Rein in your thoughts. Staying positive fuels the immune system -- as well as natural painkillers.

It's Sleep Week!

Don't build up a sleep debt. Ongoing sleep deprivation can impair you as much as a six-pack of beer.

Power Your Day

Take a nap. A 40-minute snooze in the middle of a work day can pump up your energy.

Pregnant Pause

Sleep safe during pregnancy. Lying on your left side gives you and your baby the best blood flow.

The Better Sleep Diet

Don't gorge before bed. Good shut-eye foods: milk, tuna, eggs, and peaches.

Sleep Rituals

Cue your body that it's time for sleep with a relaxing ritual. Try a hot bath, aromatherapy, or meditation.

Room for Sleep

Make your bedroom a sleep haven. Keep temperatures moderate, use blinds or shades for blocking light, and remove the laptop or TV.

Tired People Eat More

Cut 6% of your daily calorie intake by sleeping eight hours a night instead of seven.

Smoke Out

Restrict smoking before bedtime. Cigarettes wake you up just like caffeine. Better yet, quit.

Heartburn Help

A wedge pillow can keep your head elevated and bring sweet relief from nighttime heartburn.

Take a Bed Break

Get out of bed if you can't sleep -don't stare at the clock. Read or watch TV until you feel tired.

Nightcap No-No

A bottle of wine may conk you out, but your sleep won't be restful. Finish imbibing three hours before bed for a satisfying snooze.

Guard Your Heart

Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Catching only 6 hours of sleep ups your risk of high blood pressure by 70%.

Plan Early

And sleep better at night. Make your next day's to-do list in the afternoon so worries don't creep into bed.

Talk Yourself to Sleep

Try talk therapy to fight insomnia. It gets better results than sleeping pills.

Boost Your Sex Drive

Take a nap. Tired people have lower libido. Want more sex? Get more sleep.

Dream Diet

Sleep controls appetite hormones. Get to bed and start your diet.

Do Not Disturb

Put traveler's insomnia to rest. Pack a tiny battery-operated fan -- to create white noise.

Safe Sports, Safe Kids

More kids than ever are getting sports injuries at younger ages. Quiz your child's coach on avoiding and treating injuries.

Feeding Frenzy

Don't make dinner a battle. Let your children decide when they're full, and don't comment on the bites they take.

Have a Family Affair

Exercise together for your kids' health. Plan a hiking trip, bike to school, or play hopscotch together.

It's Diabetes Alert Day

Protect your kids. Serve 1½ cups of fruit and 2 cups of vegetables a day. And get them outdoors for plenty of play.

Nite-Nite, Baby

Leave the children's room when they're drowsy but not asleep. If you stay until they're asleep they may be startled if they wake up to find you gone.

A Mother's Massage

Massage helps calm wired kids. Give your kids a 10-minute massage before bed to help them sleep.

Bedtime Cures

Read a bedtime story aloud. When a child has a cold, TLC (tender loving care) is often the best remedy.

Believe It

Kids get headaches, even migraines. Take them seriously. Talk to your doctor.

Show Your Love

At least twice a day, give your child hugs, praise, even a wink or a smile. That's how parents boost kids' self-esteem.

Risky Business

Teens often get injured on the job. How safe is your teen's work environment?

Baby, Why Cry?

Babies cry for every reason -- diaper, bottle, ear infection, cuddling. Tune into your baby's cry.

Growing Pains

Active kids often have painful legs at night. That's from growing pains.

Breakfast for Mom

Make it fun and keep it simple. Add a flower or two. Mom deserves to be pampered!

Brat Pact

Tantrums? Turn things around: send clear messages, set ultimatums, and stick to your guns.

Tooth Truth

Knocked-out teeth. Chipped teeth. If you've got kids, put your dentist on speed dial.

Face Time

Kids need a heads-up on etiquette. Teach them about good eye contact. It builds trust.

Home Alone

Prepare for emergencies before they happen. Teach your child to use 9-1-1.

Want a Smart Baby?

Forget videos. Talking, playing, paying attention to baby -- that's what optimizes brain wiring.

Sick Kids

Diarrhea and vomiting are the route to dehydration. Kids need liquids (no milk) every few minutes.

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